AITA for following porn accounts on twitter while in a long distance relationship?

It’s clearly and insecurity for your gf. Relationships need reassurance, especially when it comes to a partner’s insecurities..

Is the porn or gf more of a priority? There’s always a chance that with time, as insecurities fade, you can reclaim your porn stash.

As a woman, I too have been insecure about porn. But now that I have a partner who has taken some serious time to not feed my insecurities and reassured me that our relationship is priority over porn, we both enjoy porn. And that porn insecurity is long gone. I’ll even snoop in his phone to watch his porn knowing it’s what gets him off.

I DONT think you’re the AH, but I do think it’s worth putting some thought into. At least you’re aware of her feelings and willing to reflect.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread