AITA for getting angry with my girlfriend for not reporting a coworker for sexually harassing her/touching her the past few years?

OP I feel for you. You seem very passionate about this which I respect greatly. It’s understandable how frustrating it must be for you right now to be so powerless in this situation and to not be able to protect her. I can even understand your frustration that in your eyes, she isn’t protecting herself either. What needs to be understood is that this is a terribly complex situation which could have a ripple of repercussions in her career and life. She is likely very afraid and has been dealing with the stress and trauma from the abuse as long as it’s been going on. I have had a friend in a similar situation and as frustrating as it is- I have felt that frustration- you really do have to let her maintain power in this situation. Sexual harassment and assault is often a power play/ the victims lose a sense of control or power over their bodies and what is happening to them. Her reaction may be out of fear of giving the only control she has on the situation to the HR department which may likely also let her down. I hope for the best for both of you and must gently give you a wake up nudge of YTA.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread