AITA for getting disappointed that my girlfriend doesn't keep anything special in our relationship

That's kinda where the problem lies though. I think I'm more disappointed by the fact that I'd even need to bring it up with her. I know she loves me to bits but I'm just kinda miffed as to why she doesn't find anything like this special either. I guess I'm just confused as to why she doesn't want to keep any of these activities or jokes as a special thing either.

I did bring the Disney thing up later on the day I found out she had asked our other friend during a bit of an argument and she basically said "Fine I won't watch Disney films with anyone else then" in an angry sort of way and it immediately hit me that it was an unreasonable thing for me to expect but again I still couldn't help feel disappointed because of how much we had talked about it together and made a deal of it.

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