AITA for getting mad at my mom for not cooking dinner?

YTA/ maybe ESH

OP, yes I do agree that in life your parents are expected to teach you many things, cooking included. You are completely right to expect them to teach you how to feed yourself. If it's accurate that they're outright refusing to teach you, then yeah they're missing out on something. However, it doesnt preclude you from using one of the myriad options there are out there to teach yourself. You are 17, you're dangerously close to being an adult, but you are looking at a grilled cheese and hamburger helper as these fancy complex cooking techniques? You expect someone here to teach you how, instead of just googling "grilled cheese recipe"? That's on you; it's your unwillingness to learn.

But just because you were wrong, doesnt mean you cant fix it! I've known professional chefs who didnt touch an oven until they were 20. There are so many courses you can take, videos you can watch, and recipes you can read. If you can take it upon yourself to learn (and that means failing and failing and failing again, before you get it right) cooking is so incredibly rewarding.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread