AITA for getting mad at my boyfriend because he NEVER lies?

Nobody likes “that guy” if their whole shtick is to be an asshole as if it’s hip or cool.

There are people in my organization and social circle that can be really honest, but it’s not just to be a jerk or something, and I appreciate it because you at least know where you stand with those people and how they truly feel about something. It’s better than all of the fake people crawling around everywhere

Someone who is honest and tells it like they see it is way more respectable than the people who are insanely fake... My friends ex gf would talk so much shit about someone and absolutely hate them, then when that person showed up to the party or event she would be like “oh mi gawd hhhiiiiiii!!” In a high pitched crazy way, then run over to hug them and act like they’re the best friends in the whole wide world... which is really disturbing behavior

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent