AITA for ghosting my cousin.

Everyone sucks because he's obviously young, and does young people shit like play forknife? Ya the post comes off as very childish, but if we're going off of what he said -- which is the only thing we really can do, since there's no obvious lie -- the cousin is just kind of an asshole for no reason. OP argued with his aunt -- which I guess isn't great -- but I'm not a big fan of the whole "kids always have to show the utmost respect and deference to adults even if they are in the wrong" thing. It sounds like his aunt didn't even care about what his cousin did, which is kind of shitty, because if I'm remembering correctly, V-bucks are actually a hard currency (worth real money) even if he did get these ones for free.

Anyway the whole thing seems pretty petty, but if you want to cut you cousin off kid, go for it. It probably won't last long TBH. NTA.

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