AITA for Hating Coworker Who Told Boss I Must Have a Mood Disorder

Hey there....your inferior Fi is showing. You seem to have judged these women swiftly and accurately, but you sound like an ISFP right now.

We hate people who are fake, manipulative, and play office politics. Basic bitches who have nothing better to do than stir up drama. And because we’re so fiercely committed to authenticity we express our contempt (either passively or directly) and often find we can’t succeed in corporate environments.

You are supposed to be the opposite of that? Giving in to your Fi is a weakness for you.

The women you describe sound like Fe manipulators who thrive on drama. I’ve worked with them before: ExFJs and kiss-ass ISFJs. They are the masters of pitting people against you through suggestion and then playing the victim if you retaliate, often rallying the troops against you in the process.

The thing is Fe types don’t want to seem like bullies. They want to seem like victims and portray YOU as the bitch (hence all the autism, “bitch”, bipolar remarks...)

Have you tried publicly confronting them (calmly, perhaps even pleadingly if you can swallow your me it makes me gag to think about too..) about what they’ve said about you? Because if they HAVE said those things and everyone has heard them do it, they have to publicly admit to it and address why.

And if they lie to you to save face and everyone hears it, then everyone sees them for what they are - liars whose words should be questioned with the utmost scrutiny from now on.

I had a jealous ESFJ coworker who spent the better part of a year trashing me behind my back to EVERYONE at work and blatantly ignoring me on the job. So the next time I was at a work gathering that she didn’t attend, and her name came up, I offhandedly mentioned that “yeah she doesn’t like me, lol...” which of course everyone knew...and proceeded to ask me why. (It was bc a guy she’d tried to date had gotten close with me when I started working there.)

Anyway, word traveled back to her very quickly and the next day she made a cringey show of greeting me enthusiastically in front of everyone and laughing at my jokes etc. she was mortified that she’d been portrayed as a bully and probably moreso that I had exposed her motives to everyone.

Anyway, reel your Fi back in and see it for what it is - a chess game.

And your a queen. They’re fucking pawns. ♟

/r/entj Thread