AITA for having certain dating preferences?


In a hypothetical scenario, could you see yourself being romantically attracted to a trans guy who happens to be 6 ft 3 or taller, and living stealth (as in, his appearance fits more broadly accepted societal gender norms, he has been able to undergo all the common medical/surgical steps in his transition, and nothing outs him in everyday interactions/superficial first dates/etc)?

In my (cis) opinion, your preferences are your preferences, and you can't exactly choose what turns you on romantically or physically, no matter how much that sucks. But I wonder if your thoughts on your preferences are fully informed by your experiences with your handful of trans friends, or if you've actually walked yourself through the mind game of what the broad spectrum of trans people can look and be like, and consequently been able to articulate a commonality you see in every single trans person in the world that would preclude you from finding any of them attractive?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread