AITA for helping and contributing to my niece's wedding but not attending my daughter's?

Why do you even care about your daughter’s education if you’re going to completely abandon her if she makes a decision you don’t like?

You’re doing everything you can to make sure she’s a stranger to you and you seem to want to know nothing at all about her actual life. So, why focus so much on her education if you’re not even interested in knowing the person she becomes once she’s completed it? My guess is because you just want to brag about her education to score points with the people you actually value and you’re only interested in her as an accessory.

Christ, my family has invited ROOMMATES to Thanksgiving and you’re excluding her husband? I’m glad she married someone “different” than your family. You sound like awful, bigoted, small minded people. I guess it’s good that she learned that she can’t trust you sooner rather than later. YTA.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent