AITA for indirectly calling my wife a lunatic after she kept trying to get me to consent to naming our daughter George?


You for yes, calling her a lunatic (and yes, that is going to make her less likely to listen to your points) and letting your frustrations boil over when you're dealing with a tricky situation.

Her for this insistence on naming the baby George. I had a friend who named her daughter after a male comic hero. Yes, her daughter has been bullied, and her parents last I heard still don't see a problem with her name. She tries to go by her middle name.

After you find a good way to apologize, I'd suggest asking her to imagine herself as a young girl. Tell her to imagine being named George, and to imagine all the scenarios for bullying that you know are going to happen. Tell her to imagine all the times that poor girl is going to be bullied for having a Grandpa name, how many times in the locker room as a middle schooler she's going to be harassed about if she has boy or girl parts. Think of all the PARENTS who are going to stir up trouble over that alone.

Go for Georgia instead if your wife is determined to call her George. That way she's at least got half a chance.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread