AITA for saying I don’t care when told why someone bullied my daughter?

I’m shocked by many of the comments here. The school massively failed ops daughter here and the bully needs to be held accountable for her actions but everyone is acting like this is an adult. 11 is very young. Yes, most 11 year olds know right from wrong and trauma is not an excuse to bully someone else but everything I’m reading is everyone attacking the bully like she should be coping with her fathers death like an emotionally mature adult. Op Yta…. You have every right to be furious, to protect your child and to expect this situation to be handled immediately but to tell a woman that just lost her husband, is dealing with that grief and trying to raise a daughter who is only 11 and also grieving that it doesn’t matter is shitty. Place your anger where is belongs…

People are saying your outburst is justified because you’re upset… but an 11 year old child is somehow supposed to handle her emotions with grace and maturity?

The bullying needs to stop but what you said isn’t ok

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread