AITA for insisting my son get sleep instead of do homework?

As a high schooler who averages about four hours on school nights, NAH.

I, as a fifteen year old, have kind of chosen to take an extremely rigour-filled courseload in high school. My schedule and my extracurriculars usually end with me going to bed around two and waking up around six. Obviously, this sucks.

I get where you're coming from. You're being an amazing dad. But the way the public education system and college admissions process runs right now, a lot of high achieving kids sleep that little. To your son, if he's anything like me, it's justified. He's working hard at school to get into a good college and do well for himself. Unfortunately, it seems like top colleges don't really believe in school life balance!

Yeah, teens are supposed to sleep eight-ten hours a night, but that's just not possible in my experience. Honestly, I don't really have advice for you. I just don't think that anyone's being an asshole at all. While you're looking out for your son's health, he might see it as you undervaluing his academic success, so look out for that.

I know that if my parents forced me to sleep at 12, I wouldn't be able to handle it. School matters so much to me, and I would hate being told that my chances at an amazing college (I live in a very competitive area) are basically gone because of that rule.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread