AITA for judging my sister for getting pregnant after she mentioned going college?

Wow you're being a jerk. You're totally disregarding what's actually being said just to be a jerk.

So what? People who don't have anyone to help them with childcare nor have the money to afford it are unmotivated? They should just will family that is in a position to watch Junior into existence or will hundreds a week for a daycare to poof in front of them?

Oh, no, I see now. They should want it so bad they find someone off the streets and offer them their bedroom and food in exchange for childcare because that would be super safe.

You are either blissfully ignorant or you've been half asphyxiating on a silver spoon for so long the parts of your brain responsible for compassion, empathy, and reason have long since atrophied.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent