AITA for keeping money that I watched a man drop by accident?

honestly you could’ve given it back but you didn’t, don’t beat yourself up about it because if you didn’t return it it’s too late now. I wouldn’t have told your bf about it, he seems like a real asshole. Maybe if you weren’t put into that stressful situation with him in the first place you would’ve never taken the money. Being around negative energies can in turn give them to you, clouding your mind and judgment. You really should think twice about this man, well I should say boy because that’s how he’s acting, and being with him. He should NEVER throw you down and yell in your face like that or degrade you. You’re worth more, and people make mistakes. Like you said you thought it would only be 20 bucks. If you want to make yourself feel better about it maybe donate some of the money to a charity you like or something. I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much about it because like i said you can’t return it anymore. Try and re-evaluate your relationship with your boyfriend because it sounds like he’s very abusive and you shouldn’t be with this guy. I wish the best of luck to you. In my opinion, you’re NTA

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread