AITA for kicking a girl out of our body acceptance support group ?

I’m with you on the YTA train. I have a friend who had her generals mutilated as a little girl by her step father and she’s never truly dealt with it. I couldn’t imagine how she would feel going to a group designed to help people like her accept themselves and then she’s dismissed because she’s not “disfigured” enough. The circumstances around someone’s body troubles can be so extreme that it’s not as easy as telling a story about your burns when an adult drugged you and carved chunks of your labia off. Kicking her out is in a similar vein to people who don’t count mental illness unless it’s extreme like bipolar or schizophrenia and say depression isn’t dangerous because it’s “not that serious compared to others”. Just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it’s not there. Just because she’s not head to toe in burns or missing a limb and can wear a crop top doesn’t mean she’s not disfigured elsewhere.

Hell, my cousin was born without an anus and the surgery was kinda botched. Another girl I know had to wear diapers into primary school because she was born with her reproductive system and vagina area all deformed and couldn’t hold in urine. Just because this chick struggled to share her issues doesn’t mean she doesn’t belong there.

However I do understand that OP wants to protect her group and keep them safe it also sounds like she only wants the most extreme cases to play the “good guy” card instead of accepting all people with disfigurements.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent