AITA for kicking my girlfriend out of my house for not finding a job/doing chores?

NTA I'm glad you two aren't married. This is what exactly what people need to go through before getting married. Then we get stupid suggestions on issues like this such as "couples therapy" all because one persons lack of consideration. Life is dynamic. It changes and especially when you work towards goals that you've successfully reached, life changes drastically. She either didn't consider those changes before agreeing on this relationship.....or a more severe assumption...she did not believe you could reach such heights. People need to take accountability on the words they say and agreements they make. It seems small now but see if you can help her understand that at the end of the day she agreed on this and she should have considered the life changes. If she comes to understanding this concept, this sounds like it can work out to be a good relationship. If she's still fussing, well there is a lot of people in this world to consider instead of being with someone who has no depth when agreeing upon something.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread