AITA for kicking my SIL out of my baby shower?

WOW. 22 is NOT "barely out of" one's teens. Also, OP has been married for 2 years now, and if she and her husband want kids, that should be their decision. How does that make OP a "pill"? And OP was NOT the one trying to make a competition out of this. She clearly stated that the SIL is the one constantly trying to make it a competition. Also, some baby showers are held at venues, if there are going to be a lot of people, and if you have a large family, that is something some people do. Not necessarily a poor behavior (though having a large gathering during a pandemic is, unless precautions were taken all around, but that is a different debate for a different day). Overall, I think you are being way too harsh on OP. And your use of the term "breeding" as though it is something degrading, is demeaning to anyone that chooses to have kids.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent