AITA for kicking my abusive ex husband off everything?

Nta (BUT:) I mean i dont validate his other actions but when i moved out of my abusive fathers house, he promised to pay my phone bill untill my student loans were up and then he canceled it of the blue, no warning.

You can imagine how unimpressed i was, as that was like a year ago and im STILL paying my student loans now and living nearly on the poverty level. I was waiting for so many calls from employers and calls from my bank for my student loan, had to get a whole new number and reset absolutely everything, all my files, everything. All the while my dad had never warned me he was shutting it down.

Personal opinion, tell people when your about to cancel an essential service i.e cellphone service. :/ I cant stress enough how much it set me back last year.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread