AITA for lashing out on a girl that refused to shake hands with my friend?

YTA. I guess it is a little bit weird that she refused to shake hands at all, but she could have reasons for not wanting to. Maybe she's a germaphobe or was sick? Even if she wasn't either of those things she doesn't need a reason not to shake someone's hand. I can see where you thought that she was a bit rude, which is fair enough, but telling her to fuck off and calling her a bitch in front of everyone there is completely uncalled for. She left because you embarrassed her in front of a lot of people for something that would've been so easy to ignore. Not shaking your friends hand doesnt affect you in any way other than maybe leave a bit of a poor first impression. Belittling and telling at a girl shes a bitch for not shaking a hand makes you look like the asshole to everyone else there. Next time maybe you should leave before you embarrass yourself like that again.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread