AITA for laughing at my wife when she suggested I don’t do enough for my son? I literally pay for everything he owns.

First of all, shes responsible for half of all those things for herself already, and half for her child. She doest get to charge a professional chefs hourly wage for cooking her own dinner. And if she wants to charge him that rate it better be made to order and of the quality of a professional level chef.

I bet OP's husband drives to work every day.. is he contributing 1 hour of a professional driver's salary to the family?

Not to mention all of the jobs you're referring to typically require professional training, certifications, education, credentials etc. Being a sahp has no qualifications other than having a man cum in a woman and carrying it to term. You can be a completely utterly shit parent, and by your logic you're still work 178k salary?

Your math is pretty ridiculous and its empirically WAY off... you know how I know? Because there are MILLIONS of households with two working parents who manage to get by without spending anywhere near what your saying to get these things done.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent