AITA for laughing when my friend said that my lack of social media was a "red flag"?

I’m gonna say NAH

I completely understand your point about lying about not having social media. Why? Because my brother used this exactly lie to cheat on his long term gf. He got stationed out of state, told all of his new gfs no social media. then it all blew up in his face. So I get everyone’s point in saying it’s a red flag.

But OP isn’t the asshole for not having interest in social media. Social media has gotten to the point where it’s taken over everyone and everything. People are literally celebrities because of it. Ads are targeted at us through social media. apps and Facebook are getting all of our information through social media. They know what we browse so they know what ads to target at us. Its a window into our lives and It’s also a way to keep people around that don’t even give a shit about you.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent