AITA for leaving an 18 cent tip and getting the waitress fired?

YTA, and I'm incredibly disappointed to see this has swung the other way. Reporting someone to their manager just for rolling their eyes is an asshole move. The rest of the event doesn't even matter to me. It's beyond obvious that you were flexing your customer power over this poor woman, blatant power tripping. Your actions got her fired, which is a serious thing.

Show some goddamn solidarity and let little things like that go. Also, have some empathy as well. Working as a server is hard, and frustrating. They might have been having a bad day. So they let their emotions get the better of them and snapped a bit? So what? How does that actually effect you in any way. TBH, why were you even so bothered by it? It's an eyeroll, chill out dude.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread