AITA for leaving my date at a bar

Info: You say you asked her to hang out to watch the game? Did you make clear that this was a date? You say you got bored, so was watching the game just an excuse you used for this date? Do you not actually enjoy football?

I don't really want to cast a judgement cause I don't think either of you are assholes and this is just bad communication and possibly not being clear about intentions, but you did communicate you were leaving and even waited awhile for her and reminded her a second time before actually leaving so at that point she should eat the cost of the uber home. She probably was drunk and having fun and lost track of the time. It was thoughtless and she was drunk so it doesn't seem malicious. But she also probably thought even if she chatted with friends you'd be enjoying the game. Sara shouldn't get involved as she played no part that night, but yeah she is right in saying if you get a girl somewhere, watched her get drunk, it's generally a good rule of thumb to make sure she gets home or she could end up in a seriously dangerous predicament. Since she had friends there, it's not like you left her alone though.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread