AITA for leaving my son's wedding after he denied his stepmom a mother-son dance

She was bothered by the fact she didn’t get the mother-son dance when she isn’t jordan’s mother! I guess she can be bothered, but idk why she would when she isn’t The grooms mother and Jordan does not think of her as a mom.. OP clearly says that. So she definitely shouldn’t have expected to have a dance.. also, those are planned out, songs are picked. She knew before the day of, she wasn’t dancing. It speaks to her entitlement that she thought that dance should be hers when Jordan clearly didn’t see it that way from the moment his dad said “I do” and moved out shortly after.

Why would Jordan not dance with his aunt who is a piece of his actually mom who he probably missed more than anything that day?

Comparing that to a cheating spouse is apples to oranges.. not even close to the same thing situation.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent