AITA for letting my kid run around a restaurant?

I've accepted my judgment and promised to never do it again. That garnered about 300 downvotes so far, which... OK I guess, should've done that silently.

But the -20 or so for the comment you're responding to... It's not about being anywhere but home. The point of this comment was about what we do at home. Are people that angry about what I do at my house as well? I guess they are.

Of course I wouldn't blame the restaurant if my kid got hurt, it'd be my fault. But I understand that something can go awry--anywhere, really, but in a restaurant for sure--and it's in everyone's best interest for me to change my behavior. Including people who could get hurt instead of my kid. I totally get it.

But I'm just flabbergasted not at the response to this post, but the responses to my response. You've literally told me to do at home, what I said I do at home.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent