AITA for letting my husband make my cousin leave our house due to her behaviour?

Exactly! NTA. I’m genuinely in awe. How does a person throw away a living situation as awesome as that by sexual harassing a paying tenant?? In fact, it sounds like she sexually touched without consent, which is assault. She’s lucky she got kicked out and not arrested. OP I know how hard it is to kick out a family member, but you and your husband did the right thing. Make sure your BIL, who is a VICTIM OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND ASSAULT, knows you aren’t angry with him. Make sure you call and tell your aunt the real story, as she may not know. If she continues to be nasty, I would advise r/justnofamily for tips. I know it was hard, but you did the right thing. Best of luck.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent