AITA for locking my wife out of my office because she won't stop bothering me?

Woah really you think she is raping him? Just from his post or from something he said in the comments? It sounds like she is seducing him, even after he's asked for time to study but him saying 'i have trouble turning her down' I interpreted to mean that he hasn't told her no to the sex. I think that the reason it's hard for him to turn her down matters for if we want to make a judgement about whether this is sexual coercion or just seduction, but emphasizing this is rape seems like a big leap. Like I 100% know that women can rape men, but him responding to sexual advances even though he'd rather be studying ~= rape in my eyes. But I am interested in why you see it so obviously and starkly as assault.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent