AITA for locking my room door & stopping my roommate from eating my food

Way back in college dorm times some of the guys smoked weed and others snorted coke and such. There was this one guy that would go room to room and bum whatever he could get.

Having had enough of this guy my roommate decided to teach him a lesson and put some Bold laundry detergent, the kind with red and blue flakes, in a plastic bag.

When the bum came around, RM whipped out the bag and laid him out a fat line. When asked about the flakes he told him it was Mescalin... some really good stuff!

So the guy snorts the line and "Oh wow... what a rush! Burns a little though."

I wasn't there so not sure if he started blowing bubbles out his nose or what, but he left soon after and never came back asking for drugs again.

Maybe it's time you start hoarding that special bottle of sour milk just for the next time the sponge comes knocking. ;)

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread