AITA for looking into getting another dog and not taking in my brothers dog that will otherwise have to go to the pound?

YTA. I used to work in the vet field and I'll tell you right now that pitbulls are some of the sweetest dogs I've ever had the pleasure of working with.

He’s never had any incidences, but the way I’ve seen him “play” with his toys and the sounds he makes scare me and Im sure I can handle him.

Dogs, when trained properly, are able to discern what is a toy and what isn't. Just because he might get a little bit aggressive with his toys, it doesn't mean that he'll be aggressive towards you or another animal. That's the point of toys. It gives them an outlet to let out their animalistic instincts. Don't let "the way he plays with his toys" be the prime reason as to why you wouldn't be willing to adopt him.

I mean at the very least he seems like he would be more high maintenance than the type of dogs I was looking into.

Puppies are worse. They're, in most cases, not trained yet and can honestly be compared to a full blown human baby in terms of maintenance. It honestly doesn't sound like you're ready for a dog of any kind.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread