AITA for lying to my longest friend about why I cannot attend her wedding reception, I am a bridesmaid. (Ceremony was last year, I was there)

The whole being afraid of me were her words, I can guarantee I have NEVER done anything to make her afraid of me. I have been there for her in every step of life, we went through a lot together. I also have never yelled at her, I have sat her down like friends and expressed my feelings and hurt, to be completely invalidated because she never saw it my way. Yes, I did tell her I would understand, which means I would have been fine with her telling me about it when I asked straight up. What I was not okay with was her lying to me about it and then putting it on me months later that I would have caused issues. The issue was NEVER my ex actually being there, it was her completely lying about it after I already explained I would understand.

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