AITA for making my pregnant daughter move out before the baby is born?

Omg, fuck this guy. OP, don't even listen to that moron, stop feeding the troll.

I had a great mom, and I got pregnant at 18. It was MY fault. No one fucking failed me but me. I was an honors student with big plans. All crushed in a single second. My mom pressured me to keep the baby, my father wanted an abortion. He forced me to move out and made it clear they wouldn't be raising the baby. They had me young, I had brothers in single digits at the point and they worked full time.

Life was hard. I worked double shifts as a waitress, sometimes barely clearing rent. My parents helped with bills, but that was it. No babysitting. My baby was a nightmare. He had colic and screamed all night. He projectile vomited all day due to his digestive problems. I got a lucky break at 19 with an entry level job that led to a 250K career later on, but those first years were so bad that I would never do it again if I had to go back in time. Father wanted NO part of it and provided zero financial support or assistance with watching him.

That child just graduated from high school. He goes to college next month. I have spent the past 6 years reinforcing in his head that I would not be responsible for raising any mistakes he makes. His sister is 2 years younger and I have really let her know, I am NOT going to be raising any grandkids. (Yup, as statistically we do, I got knocked up again 2 years later. Another fun thing to watch for).

You are NTA. Your daughter is for even thinking you should be raising her kid and not thinking this through at all.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent