AITA for making my pregnant daughter move out before the baby is born?

in cases like this, you realise the importance of religion, go ahead, have fun, have sex outside marriage, religion is an old lie, why I shouldnt have sex? I'm not hurting anyone, well, an unborn baby is the one who is going to pay for the adults mistake, an unborn baby is going to be hurt and suffer for his entire childhood and that will affect his whole life, keep in mind I'm not religious before you start calling me names, but as I said, in cases like this, you realise the importance of religion, in my opinion the parents are the assholes for not raising their daughter properly and teaching her about safe sex, and now she want a peaceful retirement, sadly it's not about you anymore, it's about the baby, so I'm really begging you to help her at least 4 or 5 years until the baby start going to school, dont let your daughter get a job, she should finish her school if she want really to take care of her baby, sorry if i sound rude, have a great life

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread