AITA for making my pregnant daughter move out before the baby is born?

It depends. I was the child who had a child. And yes, your daughter is a kid. Being pregnant doesn’t change that. Parents booted me out; I did ok for myself. Went to school full time while working full time; paid for everything myself. Became a paralegal with an ok income but couldn’t go to law school or grad school because I didn’t have the support system to do it. That was 20 years ago. Oddly, my parents expect my full assistance now in their elder years. I don’t have the financial resources and I’ve been on my own since I turned 17, so I’m not really inclined to help. You’re not a jerk for wanting to retire. But if you’re expecting anything from her when you get older, then I think you may want to do some soul searching about what kind of assistance you’re willing to offer.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread