AITA for making my bf drop his frat?

You school should have a Director of Greek Life or some such position. They NEED to know that a pledge ended up in the hospital due to hazing. If your BF's frat was a national one, it should be reported to them as well. How does a pledge end up hospitalized due to hazing and no one's in trouble for it? They would probably get their charter suspended or even revoked. Not all Greek organizations are like your BF's. He picked the alcoholic dipshit frat. At my school they were so paranoid about NOT hazing that wouldn't even allow pledges to sing songs to the upperclassmen - anything that was singling out the pledges or making them do something that upperclassmen didn't have to do was a no-go, even harmless stuff like singing special songs or making the pledges clean up after parties.

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