AITA for making my friends sit on trash bags when I drove them to a Pride event

My first car I bought for myself, was a 2004 eclipse spyder convertible. Silver with the black top. The previous owner was a stripper (for real, it was a bug here pay here place with only two guys that worked there and they told me) and the drivers seat had so much glitter imbedded into the fabric that it wouldn’t come out no matter what, and shined like a disco ball in the sun. I didn’t care, I was like well if it’s already been cleaned at least we know it’s not gonna come off on me right? WRONG!!! That shit transferred onto me every time I got in and out of that car, I would find rogue glitter specks in my eyelashes, my hair, on my arms... I legitimately do not understand how. I would scrub with a towel, a wet towel, a vacuum, lint roll, and it would be nothing. Then when I would sit I was somehow the glitter magnet that it would attach to.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread