AITA for making my son walk to school?

Your husband is an idiot.

I'm dad to two amazing girls. My youngest, I walked to nursery and picked her up every day in all weather, a similar walk time. We would chat, play, talk about nature, practice her spellings and times tables. One of my fondest memories is from one of those walks, when I was explaining how the planets in our solar system and everything on them - including us - were made from an exploding star, and that in our solar system, around Jupiter, there is a moon with her name (Phoebe). She was amazed and was asking so many questions for days after.

She used to try and jump up to reach a flag at the top of a 30 foot flag pole nearly every day (she still does it - jokingly - 8 years later. She's now 11). We love going on long walks together and it stems from that time.

1 hour walking each day is not going to hurt your kid, doing it at winter time isn't going to hurt either (your kid has a coat, right?).

Seriously NTA. Tell your husband to back TF off and stop being a dumbass.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread