AITA for making my boss (owner of the shop) pay for my services

If you are in the US, all of this is illegal. Not paying you for every minute worked is wage theft. She must also report your earnings to the Social Security and the IRS and your state income tax people, and withhold all the payroll taxes.

In order for you to be eventually eligible for Social Security, you have to work at least 40 quarters. If your employer is not reporting your hours and paying SS withholding then you aren't getting credit for that time. It can effect your SS income in the future. Not to mention YOU have to pay Medicare and SS withholding, which is supposed to be taken out of your pay.

Contact your sate labor board and get this straightened out. Make sure you are keeping meticulous records of hours worked and amount paid so you can pay all those taxes when you file next year.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent