AITA for making N word memes on YouTube?

I am Gen Z. Born in 2001 so you can’t tell me that I don’t understand humour.

Youre an asshole. Whilst you aren’t actually calling anyone the N word, you’re still creating these memes. If a social media influencer posted this meme, people would be very offended and it would cause a lot of downfall for them. So why cant we do that for the person who created them?

You sister is doing what is right. You’re trying to make an offensive word funny and you’re only doing it for the clout. If kids see your memes and think they’re funny they will probably be influence to repeat those memes (lets face it, majority of our generation talk in memes and send them daily) and younger children may not understand what the word means. I would just be careful because your audience could be a lot of younger children and you would never know.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread