AITA for “mansplaining” crying to my gf?

YTA Between this post and the other post on this account, sorry dude but you're just a shitty boyfriend.

By your own admission about 20 days ago, you have intimacy issues and your girlfriend has clearly articulated that she feels you are cold and insensitive to her (after reading this shitshow gee I wonder why). Additionally, you won't prioritize her pleasure in the bedroom (oral as a courtship thing, really?). You don't seem to have any empathy for her when she's going through several crises at once. You won't even allow her to express her emotions in what is frankly, a pretty healthy way (would you prefer she stops crying but turns to substance abuse or something similarly harmful?).

I honestly don't even want to give you advice. Apologize to your girlfriend. I hope she wisens up once she has more mental bandwith and realizes that she can do way the fuck better than you, she deserves someone who cares for her feelings and wants to bring her joy, not silence her.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread