AITA for misgendering my friend on purpose?

nb person here. possibly controversial ESH - they suck for misgendering you repeatedly and despite your equally repeatedly asking them to respect your actual pronouns and identity, to the extent that other people are being misled about the way you want to be spoken to/thought of. you misgendering them is an asshole move, doubly so because deliberately misgendering a trans person is. seriously not great!

if you want to move forward with your friendship with sam (ie, keep it at all) i would suggest apologising for misgendering them and to establish a clear acceptable boundary (ie - they gender you correctly, or you're done). otherwise you may wish to review if you want to remain friends with someone who wilfully misgenders you. (nb: sam is also entitled to review if they wish to forgive and be friends someone who wilfully misgendered them).

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread