AITA for my birthday gift to my wife

NAH— What you and the kids did was cute and thoughtful and it’s true that she wants what 9/10 wife’s want; Acts of service. However, that’s something she wants on an everyday occasion and not as a celebration of her existence. What she took away from the entire thing is that you associated her with housework instead of her identity as a beautiful, strong woman, mother and wife.

I’m guessing last year you said you were going to give her sex for her birthday and that didn’t pan out well either lol

I’m playing here, but seriously, you’re in the doghouse here buddy. I’d get something that appeals to her dreams in life and give it another crack. She’ll appreciate the persistence and give you credit for doing the right thing.

After that, find the one chore she hates the most and always always always do it.

Hope it all works out :)

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread