AITA for naming my firstborn son after my late boyfriend and NOT my husband even though it's a tradition in his family to name the first born son after the father?

No I just think it’s just disgusting that she had four months to get herself together enough to at least be a reasonable adult about this entire situation. Should he have been there at the birth? Honestly no. It would’ve stressed her out which would’ve stressed the baby out.

But still hiding the fact that his child had been born for a month? Trash. Honestly there is no real justification for that.

Whatever she and her ex husband had going on romantically, has absolutely nothing to do with his rights to his child. He cheated on her and disrespected their vows. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t willing to still be an active dad and it’s clear he was trying to be. I know this will sound harsh, but people get cheated on everyday. Does it hurt yea. Is it life ending no. And if you allow yourself to wallow in it instead of being strong and trying to move on healthily, that’s your own fault. The child shouldn’t suffer for that.

Why is it taking it too far? She hurt him immensely by HIDING THE BIRTH OF HIS FIRST CHILD from him. So let’s say he feels like he can’t trust her to be reasonable and let him interact with the child if he does something she doesn’t like. If what everyone is saying is true, then yea he should be able to disappear with the baby and maybe one day get around to giving her bare minimum details.

No. That would be crazy. Just like OP and the majority of this sub is crazy.

Then she knew how important it as to him and his family about the naming legacy. Ok cool don’t make the baby a Junior then. The ex didn’t deserve it. But instead she names the baby after a man she wouldn’t even have considered before because she said it would’ve been disrespectful to do so. That alone means she was disrespected so she did something disrespectful back. Ok that’s fine, but it means you’re both assholes.

All of a sudden the guy she wouldn’t have even considered is now her guardian angel Lmaoo. Puh-lease. If he was that important to her wouldn’t she have been considering it for a middle name? Or maybe the second sons name? No, because she was respecting her husband.

Interesting how her spirit angel wasn’t worth even a discussion before, but now that her equal has fucked her over he’s put on a pedestal.

She could’ve let the man see his child with her parents there if she couldn’t handle it. But that would’ve been to mature, and this sub celebrates irrationality.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent