AITA for no longer giving an employee discount to someone who quit working for me?

One thing to remember —

She’s focusing on school to be able to have a career outside a vape shop. The reduction is a job perk — and the space is available for folks workin go for you that may really need it.

She’s essentially asking you for alimony — without including you in the conversation.

I’d handle this with a 30 day grace to cover any misunderstanding - as an act of good will. Maybe talk to your lawyer about the best way to develop a transition plan for these kind of situations in the employee handbook.

But if the business relationship is severed — it’s not retaliatory or anything else to move to a normal model.

The fact her mom sent a letter demonstrates two things — 1) an immature mindset - she succeeds in any plan but with no regard to other factors and 2) it’s entitled and self serving.

I had plenty of folks wish me well and support my studies in school, but none offered me discounted rent because I used to work for them. My parents stepped in a few times — but it’s her goal, her path and her responsibility to succeed.

You can absolutely with her well without being tied up as a benefactor.

You can’t be a named person and the faceless machine that sends bills. You have a property manager for a reason.

If you choose to help this way; vs say a part time gig with tailored hours…. this won’t be the end of it; unfortunate reality is many students work.

I worked full time and it took an extra year. Personally, I’d want to stick around to learn from someone like you

NTA — and congrats for your success :)

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread