AITA for not asking my MIL nicely to hand over the baby for feeding?

First NTA, second your husband needs to realize that the hormones in your body are absolutely crazy right now. The mothering instinct is literally so strong, that in some ape species it could mean death for anyone came between a baby and it’s mother.

Your husband is clearly stupid, and ill prepared at best for this. At worst he’s abusive, take it from someone who knows abuse. Now, I’m not going to jump the gun and say divorce him, or leave and go to your parents. It is really, really hard on new parents and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s feeling some stress too. So more than anything when you put your baby down for a nap, you need to explain a few things to him.

The primary thing is, that as a new mother you are experiencing hormones that would leave him crying in the fetal position. So, if he dares call you a horrible mother again you’ll rip his tongue out. The next thing is this, my wife and I have this policy in public I don’t care what she does I will always, always defend her choices. In private I might ask her what she was thinking but in public she and I are a united front. If your relationship with your husband is to get better he needs to stop being such a mama’s boy.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread