AITA for not caring when our baby is born?

NTA and hopefully your husband will come around and realize that what month your baby is born won’t necessarily lead to any advantages or disadvantages— I was the youngest in my grade and I was in advanced placement classes, did well in dance (my version of “sports” since I didn’t like them, lol), and always kind of felt like being younger was its own advantage because I felt like it gave me a head start on my adult life. I finished college a semester early (after also having taken a semester off), and having just turned 21 and being done when most people were finishing at 22 and 23 was nice— it made me feel like I had extra space and time to figure myself out. Not to say that being younger is better, just that there can be positive things about it too!

And as I’m sure you already know, the support of you and your husband will matter so much more to your child than what month they’re born, and hopefully he’ll come around and be able to see that— it sounds like he’s coming from a good place of wanting them to have everything need for a good life, but just misguided in his approach.

Speaking of disadvantages btw, I have a December birthday and I don’t recommend it, lol— between competing with all the holiday parties and having your birthday parties canceled multiple years in a row because of snowstorms, it kind of sucks as a kid. I was always jealous of the kids who got to have pool parties or go to the fair for their bday! (I guess my kindergarten had a super late cutoff because my bday is mid December and I was still allowed to start school while I was 4).

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread