AITA for not feeling sorry for using a racial slur in a joke and upsetting people?

YTA. Your intentions don’t matter, only the impact of your actions do.

If you accidentally step on someone’s foot and they go “Ow! Get off me!” then the way to respond is say “I’m sorry” and move your foot. You might also try to be more aware of where you’re stepping so you don’t do it again.

You don’t continue standing on their foot and try to make excuses that it’s okay because you didn’t intend to hurt them and the room is crowded and lots of people are getting stepped on and not making a big deal, etc.

It’s hard to admit you did something hurtful when you think of yourself as a good person, but being able to accept when you were wrong will actually make you a better person in the long run.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread