AITA for not giving my mom my TV?

Definitely legal. My mother took my car money. I had saved up $1,600. My grandmother and I had a deal. Whatever I could save, she would put that much money into it. When my mother found out how much I had. She stole my debt card, on mothers day. When I realized the card was gone, and froze the account. She called my bank, and had the rest of my money transferred into her account. When I asked for my money she simply said "it's gone... the power bill came out. So its gone". I said "but, that was my car money. How can it just be gone? Like what do you mean?" She screamed "it's gone ok! I can't get it back!"

I made $6.55 an hour at Arby's. It took me months to save that up. My grandmother kept her word, and found me a car for exactly $1,600. It wasn't pretty, but I had a car, and I loved it. Then, my mom forced my grandmother to put it into her name. Took my keys, and told me she would be driving me to work from now on... dad bought her 2 cars too. Nice ones. Idk why she did that, and she's never explained it.

Sometimes, you just can't tell people what you've saved. Not even your own mother. I tried telling my dad. But, she told him I was lying. Of course he believed his wife over me.

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