AITA for not giving some of my deceased husbands things to his son?

YTA, but I don't blame you. However I can sympathise with the son. The light and the shirt are small items that the son probably relates to his your husband, and the son isn't exactly getting any financial gain from it. If there was one thing of my dad's I'd keep should he ever pass, it wouldn't be money or land, but one of his wooly jumpers that he always wore. I understand you want to carry out your husbands wishes, but another commenter made a good point in "why pass that animosity onto him?". Surely a light an shirt isn't too much to ask. The son did genuinely sound regretful judging by how he reacted. The woman who cussed you out though is a thundercunt, don't get me wrong about that.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread