AITA for not going on a family day-trip?

Trust me, I never let myself forget all the sacrifices my parents have made for me. I love my parents, and I always will, and I know how lucky I am to have parents who do give a shit about me and my brother. I know the things I said I would miss are lame, and that they are not necessarily good excuses. My whole thing here is that my parents expect me to respect them, which I always try to, but don't also respect me. You're right, they don't see me as an adult yet. They barely see my brother as one and he turns 21 in August. You say I should move out, and you're right, and believe me, I really wish I could. The job I have is a paid internship and I have been there since I was 17. They have 8am-5pm work days, and I go to school 3 days a week. I work the 16 hours I can on the other two days just to save money. I want to move out, and I wish I made the money necessary in order for me to. I try my best to help my parents when I can, I pay for what I can (books, food, etc). I got scholarships to help, and I try to cook my own meals so they don't have to worry about me as much. You act like I'm ungrateful and I don't think I am. Their sacrifices aren't "null" to me, and you're acting like you know exactly who I am without knowing anything outside the information I gave. I do not dislike spending time with my parents, what I dislike is the fact that they don't care about my plans (in more situations than just this one) regardless of what they may be. Like I said to someone else in this thread, I could be going to a wedding tomorrow and they'd still expect me to go with them.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent