AITA for not having any interest in my sister's pregnancy after years of fertility treatment?

She has every right to withdraw if she can’t be around his kids due to grief. But he’s pointed out that it’s a fake excuse to say she hasn’t seen them for 4 years because of Covid-19. She’s disingenuous for saying he needs to be an Uncle to her kid when she hasn’t been an Aunty to her nieces.

I’ve been in the nieces’ position. It hurt when my Aunty ghosted us for years, as a child it made me feel like it was my fault. Then she came back years later with a kid and it felt like I was being used and that my only role in her life was to play cousin to her kid.

At end of the day, even when we are deeply hurt, we are responsible for not hurting others.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent